Visioning and Strategic

I help organizations and groups clarify their vision for the future and create a plan to get there. Through visioning and strategic planning processes, I can support you in imagining a radical future and developing goals and strategies to move forward. My visioning and planning offerings include:

Theory of Change development: Through a retreat or series of workshops, I can lead your group through collectively creating a Theory of Change to guide your future work. Key elements of this process include developing a shared analysis, clarifying values and beliefs, and articulating vision and core strategies.

Values-based strategic planning: Using an anti-oppression lens, I can help your group choose priorities and create work plans that align with your core values and vision for the future. Planning processes usually consist of an initial learning period, a group process to collectively create a strategic plan, and ongoing support in implementing changes and evaluating progress.

Anti-Oppression Facilitation

As a facilitator, I bring an intersectional power analysis and a commitment to democratic practice and peer learning. My facilitation offerings include:

Meeting and retreat facilitation: I can guide groups through challenging or complex discussions and making high-stakes decisions. Through a variety of facilitation strategies and activities, I invite input from everyone in the room to create a deep level of investment and buy-in from all stakeholders.

Skills-based workshops: I offer a variety of interactive sessions that build participants’ capacity around group facilitation, giving and receiving feedback, and navigating conflict.

Internal systems work: Many groups and organizations lack models for how to align their internal practices with their core values. I can support your team to vision and design new equitable systems and structures around feedback, conflict, accountability, and decision-making and governance.

Conflict Mediation and Exploration

Groups inevitably experience tension, disagreement, and conflict as they work together towards a more just future. Guided by the framework of principled struggle, I understand these moments as opportunities to turn towards each other, deepen our relationships, and sharpen our work together.

Drawing from a range of models including mediation, peer counseling, and transformative justice, I can design a process to support your group in moving through internal conflict, identifying the root causes of harm and mistrust, and learning new tools for disagreeing well with one another.

I work with individuals and groups who are building sustainable, equitable movements for collective liberation.